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PCB Themes for Android

Huge updates to TSF Shell AND the PCB Themes

April 8, 2013 02:44 PM by scar45 :: Comments

If you’ve been using TSF Shell, you know that it has been a while since the last update from The Special Forces team. That has changed recently however, as v1.9.9 is released with a lot of changes under the hood (and above!).

This has meant that most themes will (semi) break, particularly with the folder images. Fear not though, if you’re a PCB user, I have just finished pushing ALL 9 theme updates to the Play Store!

Here’s a quick rundown of what’s new in the latest PCB Themes for TSF Shell:

  • New dock icon
  • New Lasso menu
  • New “+” (add more apps) when viewing an expanded folder
  • Removed some wallpapers to decrease theme size (ALL PCB wallpapers available in the free app)
  • Heck, I’ll stop here and just say I’ve restyled practically everything!!

It should show up in your Play Store updates, but if you’d like to see all of the available themes, or check out some screenies of the latest version, simply head to the PCB Themes for TSF Shell home area.

Once again, thanks to all who’ve purchased the theme. I sincerely appreciate it, and it motivates me to bring quick updates after TSF Shell changes considerably. Hope you enjoy it!

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