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PCB Themes for Android

October 2012 Status Update

October 23, 2012 04:54 PM by scar45 :: Comments

remicks and I have surely been busy over the past few months, as we had put a LOT of work into AOKPCB and then our personal lives ended up needing some attention (damn real life). Just thought I should say that yes, we stopped AOKPCB for ICS since JB was on the way, and when Goo.IM went down, it took all of the AOKPCB ROMs we built with it That was the only spot we had been hosting them unfortunately…

If all goes well though, we are planning on releasing AOKPCB for JB, however as AOKP JB is quite young (we base our source from theirs), we’re going to wait a little bit until more devices are added, and things get stable. Our team is a fraction of the size of Team Kang, so it’d be much tougher for us to manage an early ROM at this point.

It’s in the cards though, so as soon as it can be done, IT WILL BE!!!!

So glad that it seemed to be a success, Team Broccoli wants to thank everyone, especially the users, for your support and bigups.

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Thanks or being patient everyone!

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