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PCB Themes for Android

PCB Series v1.2 with support for JB is released!

July 31, 2012 07:55 PM by scar45 :: Comments

Hello all! I have been working very hard on updating the PCB Series of Themes for Jelly Bean, and I am happy to say that the updates for ALL 9 COLOURS have been pushed out to Google Play. They should be live now, so go ahead and update! Here’s the Change Log for this release:

v1.2 - July 30, 2012

  • Updated for Jelly Bean!!! (added missing resources)
  • Fixed CM Battery Icon (details on website)
  • Styled the Launcher!
  • Reverted most of the MMS changes due to conflicts with blacked-out apps
  • Optimized notification item backgrounds on ICS
  • Added new WiFi HotSpot system bar icon
  • As always, please spread the word wherever you can!
  • Visit the App’s website to leave issues/problems (we can reply there)
  • Fixed Toggle Icons to show proper state (‘white’ is ‘ON’)

In regards to some comments on the Play Store pages, I really do wish that I could have integrated all of the 9 colours into one “app”, however it doesn’t appear that this can be done, as theme chooser has a strict format to follow. In lieu of not being able to do this, I have discovered how best to support ICS and JB so that users who have already purchased any of the PCB colours will NOT have to purchase another Jelly Bean version.

Also, there’s been reports of the battery icon not being ‘accurate’, most often when using CyanogenMod. The custom battery icons that I had been using are meant to work with ROMs that have a 1% battery mod, or CircleMOD. This is also the reason why people were saying that the battery reporting was inaccurate with my old custom icons.

I looked into it more and figured it out. The CM9/10 battery icon only changes at the following levels:

  • 15%
  • 28%
  • 43%
  • 57%
  • 71%
  • 85%
  • 100%

This means that until your battery level hit one of those percentages above, it would remain the same, so if you booted your phone with 84% power left, my custom icons (as they used to be), would display 84%, but it would not change from 84% until it hit the next level of 71% (or 85% if you were charging). This is why I removed the circle battery icons unless the ROM supports it, like AOKP, etc.

I hope I have explained myself well, and I also hope that others who noticed the battery icon ‘inaccuracy’ will see this post, because it really does explain everything. There’s not much of a way to work around this with the standard CM9/10 way of displaying battery status, so I had to just remove it.

I hope everyone is liking the updates, and please comment on the main PCB Series page if you’d like. Thanks very much for your support by purchasing my themes!

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