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PCB Themes for Android

Huge updates to TSF Shell AND the PCB Themes

4179 days ago by scar45 :: Comments

If you’ve been using TSF Shell, you know that it has been a while since the last update from The Special Forces team. That has changed recently however, as v1.9.9 is released with a lot of changes under the hood (and above!).

This has meant that most themes will (semi) break, particularly with the folder images. Fear not though, if you’re a PCB user, I have just finished pushing ALL 9 theme updates to the Play Store!


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PCB Series v1.4 with support for JB 4.2 is released!

4299 days ago by scar45 :: Comments

Hi everyone!

I know it’s been a long time coming, but I am happy to announce that I’ve updated ALL PCB Themes to v1.4 which includes support for Jelly Bean 4.2! I had hoped to complete this sooner, but there is a LOT of work involved with updating 10 colours! On top of it all though, I’ve also updated the PCB Wallpapers app, which now downloads images (there’s tons!) from the web. This makes the app MUCH smaller, plus…

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October 2012 Status Update

4346 days ago by scar45 :: Comments

remicks and I have surely been busy over the past few months, as we had put a LOT of work into AOKPCB and then our personal lives ended up needing some attention (damn real life). Just thought I should say that yes, we stopped AOKPCB for ICS since JB was on the way, and when Goo.IM went down, it took all of the AOKPCB ROMs we built with it That was the only spot we had been hosting them unfortunately…

If all goes well…

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PCB Series v1.3 has arrived! More goodies included!

4426 days ago by scar45 :: Comments

It just doesn’t stop! I’m always trying to improve my PCB Series of themes so those of you who purchased them can have a worthwhile investment of less than $2 ;) Well, I have just pushed v1.3 to the Play Store, so it should be hitting your device(s) soon. Here’s what’s new:

v1.3 - August 4, 2012

  • Created NEW custom battery icons for non-1% modes
  • Styled the navbar in supported ROMs (AOKP)
  • Added coloured toggle icons (new

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PCB Series v1.2 with support for JB is released!

4430 days ago by scar45 :: Comments

Hello all! I have been working very hard on updating the PCB Series of Themes for Jelly Bean, and I am happy to say that the updates for ALL 9 COLOURS have been pushed out to Google Play. They should be live now, so go ahead and update! Here’s the Change Log for this release:

v1.2 - July 30, 2012

  • Updated for Jelly Bean!!! (added missing resources)
  • Fixed CM Battery Icon (details on website)
  • Styled the Launcher!
  • Reverted m…

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The State of AOKPCB

4437 days ago by scar45 :: Comments

I apologize for not keeping everyone informed. As it stands now, the plan is to get a final R3 (ICS) release out, however our repo is currently borked (I know, just before the last ICS release!). We’re trying to get it fixed up (remicks is really, he’s great with our builds), but hopefully that will happen soon. Afterwards, it’s kind of up in the air for what we’re going to do with JB. remicks and I have started work…

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Lots of updates over the past few days

4487 days ago by scar45 :: Comments

Hi all! Just a quick update to let you know what’s been going on in the world of AOKPCB + the PCB Theme Chooser version. We’ve been working hard to import the latest AOKP commits, so pretty much all of them (with exception of a few) will be in the R2 Official Release. As you may know, AOKP just released b38, which does have a few things that our R2 release does not, however sit tight and remicks will soon be building…

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New devices added to AOKPCB!

4496 days ago by scar45 :: Comments

remicks continues to be on a momentus roll. We now build AOKPCB for ALL devices that are supported by AOKP. With the exception of a few devices having build issues here and there, most are at the ‘Nightly’ stage, and will hopefully be built for R2 when it’s released. It is important to note that we could really use your feedback if you’re on a Nightly, as we can then start building Official Releases for it once stabi…

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Theme Chooser version is READY!

4497 days ago by scar45 :: Comments

Hello everyone, I just wanted to post a very quick update to let you know that the Theme Chooser (T-Mobile) version of PCB Blue has finally been completed, and is now live on the Google Play store for about the price of a coffee.

This is being posted in the AOKPCB section because I know that a lot of users have asked for it, and I wanted to ensure everyone knows (also, please tweet/share where you can!). While we woul…

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